Thank you for voting! Daring Greatly by Brené Brown was the clear winner for round two of the PSS Reads book club. If you'd like to participate, all you need to do is acquire the book, read it, and show up! The meeting schedule and suggested reading timeline are as follows:
Friday, March 15, Admin 829 (if the response is large we may need to move this meeting location) - intro and chapter 1 (28 pages)
Wednesday, March 27, Admin 711 - chapters 2 and 3 (81 pages)
Monday, April 8, Admin 711 - chapters 4 and 5 (72 pages)
Wednesday, April 17, location TBD - to end (70 pages)
All sessions are during free hour.
As a reminder, you are not required to attend every session in order to participate. Come when you can, and feel free to bring your lunch.
RSVP for the various sessions on the PSS myUMBC event post for each one. Any questions, contact Sarah Hansen at Happy reading!