Executive Committee

Members of the staff senate elect senators each year to serve on the ESS executive committee in the following roles: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Communications Officer, and two Co-Secretaries.


Ray Soellner, Jr
Time in ESS: 6-7 years
About Me: I started at UMBC as a student in the Fall of 2002. During my student time, I worked part-time at the Bookstore and as a student Network Technician within DoIT. In 2006 two miraculous things happened, I graduated with my Bachelor’s degree and was awarded a full-time position as a Network Engineer in DoIT where I’ve stayed for the entirety of my 17-year career. I now serve as the Director of Telecommunications.

I started attending ESS meetings around 2018 as a non-senator. In 2019 I was narrowly elected to a senate seat and I’ve been involved ever since. In that time I’ve chaired the Work-Life Balance committee, co-secretary, Treasurer, Vice President, and now proudly serve as the President of the Exempt Staff Senate.
Favorite Place on Campus: A sunny seat outside of Admin and the RAC!
Fun Fact: My time at UMBC actually started before my time here as a student. My Summer job during High School was working in Facilities Management, Physical Plant at the time, as part of the Paint crew where I and several other illustrious students were tasked to repaint the curbs around campus.



Jeff Cullen (he/him)
Time in ESS: This is my fourth year on ESS (non-consecutive terms).
About Me: I serve as the Director of Student Conduct and Community Standards at UMBC, which means that I oversee the system that responds to allegations of student misconduct. This is my 16th year at UMBC, all in the same office. So I have a few stories! I did my undergraduate work at Colorado State University, have a masters in Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in College Student Development, and completed my Ph.D. through Iowa State University. My dissertation focused on dismantling white racial privilege among white students in my own graduate program, so I have an interest in race relations, diversity, equity, and justice work. I have also worked at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst and Virginia Tech during my career. With so many transitions happening at UMBC and with the next round of strategic planning getting started, it seemed like a good time to re-affiliate with shared governance. Being involved is a great way to learn about what is happening at UMBC!
Favorite Place on Campus: I don’t know that I have a favorite place, but I enjoy all types of spectator sports, so you might find me at the Events Center, Retriever Soccer Park, or the stadium complex.
Fun Fact: I have two kids, a daughter Mackenzie who graduated UMBC in 2022 and is currently enrolled in med school, a son Nate (Class of 2026, Psychology) and I live in Anne Arundel County.



Lori Leonard Hardesty
Time in ESS: 4 years (since July 2020). I have co-chaired the Staff Outreach and Development (SOD) Committee. Partnering with NESS, SOD facilitates the annual summer UMBC Staff Cookout and supports the Faculty Senate for the Homecoming Staff & Faculty Mixer. I have also participated in the University-wide Space Management (1 year) and Research and Creative Achievement Committees (3 years). I just began my second year as Co-Secretary.
About Me: I am the Associate Director of Community Engaged Learning, in my 29th year at The Shriver Center at UMBC. From 1996-2006, I worked with The Choice Program, empowering systems-involved youth and families throughout Maryland. I currently lead an amazing team that cares deeply about UMBC students engaging in community-based learning in the Greater Baltimore region. Key components of my role are staff growth, program and course development, and partnership stewardship. Inclusive excellence can only be achieved as we explore our current systems and policies, who they serve, who they exclude, and how we can do better together, particularly when we hear “this is the way we’ve always done it.” I value grace and communication through a shared humanity, growing and knowing together.

I received my BA in Psychology from Johns Hopkins University, where I played volleyball and basketball. I participated in the Student-Athlete Mentoring Program, Shriver family-connected Best Buddies and Special Olympics. In 1993-94, I attended Regional Best Buddies meetings at The Shriver Center (expand upon the Governor’s Ball?). In 2016, it took me 5 years to complete my Master’s in Public Administration at the University of Baltimore, chipping away part-time while working full-time with two young children. Now I’m dabbling in the Community Leadership Program’s Skills Courses. I live in Baltimore County with my husband, two high school daughters, and Lab Ginger.

Favorite place on campus: I LOVE OCA Mocha, a campus-connected space in Arbutus.. I highly recommend making time to explore the featured art exhibits that rotate every few months. For me, there’s nothing like an atmosphere that’s ripe with creative, caffeinated possibilities.
Fun Fact: In my 50th year on Earth, I’m doing things outside of my comfort zone. This includes being a villainous Gnome with Fluid Movement, a Baltimore-based organization that utilizes public spaces to create joy and community through performance art.

Past President

Jess Wyatt (she/her)

Time in ESS: Joined as a senator in 2018. Served as Vice President from 2019 – 2021. President from 2021 – 2023.
About Me: I’m the Associate Director of Alumni Engagement in OIA. I started at UMBC in 2016 just before the 50th Anniversary Celebration. Over my time at UMBC, my role has shifted from more student-focused work to engaging the campus community in planning and celebrating Homecoming…among other duties as assigned! The most delightful part of my job is working closely with our Founding Four Alumni (graduates from 1970 – 73). Not only are they a hoot to spend time with, but they offer a deep perspective on the foundations of UMBC and the evolution of the institution.
Favorite Place on Campus: The tables between the RAC and Admin. You can always find someone to chat with!
Fun Fact: As ESS President, I had the sheer joy of participating in President Sheares Ashby’s Inauguration and was able to make a total clown of myself meeting Wes Moore dressed in my finest regalia!

Vice President

Cael Mulcahy (they/them)

Time in ESS: I was elected to ESS in 2021 and have served as Treasurer and Vice President.
About Me: I moved to Baltimore in 2012 to become the Operations Manager for the Performing Arts and Humanities Building with the charge of developing operating procedures and processes to support daily and extended operational needs. I used my background in technical theatre and my experiences with managing and maintaining performing arts facilities at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts and Emerson College to get PAHB operations off the ground!

In 2019 I became the Director of Operations for the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences after realizing that a lot of the processes I had developed for the PAHB could be scaled to support CAHSS as a whole. This is a role that requires a great deal of communication with most areas on campus and I’ve found that my time in ESS has been very beneficial when fulfilling the responsibilities of my “day job.”
Favorite place on campus: CERA! I don’t get out there much but it’s amazing to have a place to go for a quick walk to decompress when time allows.
Fun Fact: I’m quite introverted and spend a lot of time re-energizing myself by getting quiet time outside when I can. I’d spend so much more time at campsites if I could!


Communications Officer

Ally Hepp (she/her)
Time in ESS: I was elected to ESS in 2021 and have served on the Executive Committee since 2022.
About Me: I started at UMBC in 2020 in DoIT on the audiovisual technology team. I now serve as an IT Project Coordinator and run our DoIT Project Management Office. I get to be involved in a lot of major IT projects and talk to a lot of folks in other divisions. I studied Music Business and Audio Production at Lebanon Valley College near Hershey, Pennsylvania, but I became a UMBC alumna in 2022 when I completed my Master’s degree here. Being involved in shared governance is something I started during the pandemic to meet people on campus, but it’s become one of the best things about working at UMBC.
Favorite Place on Campus: Anywhere outside!
Fun Fact: If you know me, you may know that I have a few part-time ‘gigs’ in my free time – I do marketing for a wedding venue, work the occasional concert, serve on the board of Swim Across America Baltimore, and help out with FIRST Lego League in Maryland communications!



Melissa Huselton
Time in ESS: This is my second year in ESS. I wanted to learn more about how UMBC operates and I also wanted to become more involved in supporting the community so I decided to run. It’s been a rewarding and eye-opening experience so far!
About Me: I’m a Health Professions Advisor in the PreMedical & PreDental Advising office. I started at UMBC in 2009 as a full-time AmeriCorps volunteer in The Shriver Center, where I met co-secretary Lori Hardesty. I enjoyed the experience so much that I stayed on for a second year of service. When my service ended, I began working at Maryland University of Integrative Health and supported graduate students there. In 2015, I became a parent, and several years later I earned my master’s in Academic Advising before returning to UMBC in 2020 in my current role. I love supporting students as they explore careers in healthcare!
Favorite place on campus: I love the pathway down Academic Row and around the library, especially in the fall. I feel so energized when I take a walk around this part of campus!
Fun Fact: In addition to my role as a staff member, I’ve also taught FYE 101 Introduction to an Honors University and I’m currently taking Japanese language classes. I feel like these experiences have helped me understand faculty and students just a little bit better, and it’s fun to build new skills and meet people that I might not have otherwise.